Mixed Media

Alternative Reality II, mixed media/ acrylic on canvas, 90cm x 90cm

«Alternative Reality II» exemplifies a distinctive mixed media approach. This piece begins with a foundation of my camera-based artwork, which is then enhanced by overlaying new elements using acrylic paint. The result is a unique, one-of-a-kind piece of art.

In addition, I employ another mixed media technique that integrates my camera-based artwork to create a dynamic fusion of mediums. This process involves digital adaptations, incorporating drawing and coloring techniques that echo my painting process. By intertwining photography, drawing, painting, and digital artistry, I create a harmonious blend of media.

Through the seamless combination of digitally drawn elements and traditional watercolors, I craft a new visual language that imbues the artwork with vitality. Each piece serves as a testament to the creative journey, culminating in a distinctive artistic statement. This gradual transformation results in a new, digitally infused artistic expression, rendering each artwork uniquely original.

Urban Nature:
Organic Flow and Botanical Entities:

Variants of commissions:

Magical Garden, artprint on pvc 90x90cm, artwork of Hanne Væringsaasen
By the sea, Artwork of Hanne Væringsaasen, artprint on aluminum 50 x 50 cm
